This page contains links to FBI documents obtained by the ACLU of Colorado in response to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.

The FBI redacted certain portions of the files it released. In most cases, the FBI indicated, with notations such as “b7C” or “b7D,” the section of the Freedom of Information Act on which it relies to justify each redaction. The FBI also supplies a page titled explanation of exemptions that contains the full text of each of the statutory exemptions from disclosure.

FBI case identification numbers beginning with 266 signify cases the FBI has classified as “domestic terrorism.” Some FBI acronyms and abbreviations, such as AOT (acts of terrorism) and DT (domestic terrorism) are translated here.

Document released March 28, 2006, documenting FBI surveillance of Breakdown Bookstore in Denver and monitoring of protesters car-pooling to antiwar demonstration

Documents released December 8, 2005 regarding protests at the 2002 convention of the North American Wholesale Lumber Association and a 2003 antiwar demonstration in Colorado Springs

FBI documents from files on Colorado AIM and Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center, released August 2, 2005

Documents from FBI files on Sara Bardwell and Scott Silber, released May 18, 2005